Sixth Rangers are Rangers who are generally introduced outside of the core team. In most occasions they are the 6th to be introduced. However, the term of 'Sixth Ranger' also applies to anyone outside the core team that starts regularly joining in battles. Sixth Rangers typically take on colours that are not used by the core team, though there are a few exceptions. There have been official sixth Rangers, with the Aquitar, Turbo, Jungle Fury and Cosmic Fury Ranger teams lacking official sixth Rangers.
Sixth Rangers[]
List of Sixth Rangers[]
- Tommy Oliver is the Green Ranger and White Ranger in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
- Trey of Triforia is the first Gold Ranger in Power Rangers Zeo
- Jason Lee Scott is the second Gold Ranger in Power Rangers Zeo
- Zhane is the Silver Space Ranger in Power Rangers in Space
- Mike Corbett is the Magna Defender in Power Rangers Lost Galaxy
- Ryan Mitchell is the Titanium Ranger in Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue
- Eric Myers is the Quantum Ranger in Power Rangers Time Force
- Merrick Baliton is the Lunar Wolf Ranger in Power Rangers Wild Force
- Cameron Watanabe is the Green Samurai Ranger in Power Rangers Ninja Storm
- Trent Fernandez-Mercer is the White Dino Ranger in Power Rangers Dino Thunder
- Sam is the S.P.D Omega Ranger in Power Rangers S.P.D
- Daggeron is the Solaris Knight in Power Rangers Mystic Force
- Tyzonn is the Mercury Ranger in Power Rangers Operation Overdrive
- Gem is Ranger Operator Series Gold in Power Rangers R.P.M
- Gemma is Ranger Operator Series Silver in Power Rangers R.P.M
- Antonio Garcia is the Gold Samurai Ranger in Power Rangers Samurai
- Robo Knight is the robotic ranger in Power Rangers Megaforce
- Orion is Super Megaforce Silver in Power Rangers Super Megaforce
- Sir Ivan of Zandar is the Dino Charge Gold Ranger in Power Rangers Dino Charge
- Levi Weston is Ninja Steel Gold in Power Rangers Ninja Steel
- Nate Silva is Beast Morphers Gold in Power Rangers Beast Morphers
- Steel is Beast Morphers Silver in Power Rangers Beast Morphers
- Aiyon is the Dino Fury Gold Ranger in Power Rangers Dino Fury
- Chester will become the Purple Nitro Force Ranger in Power Rangers Nitro Force.
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