Power Rangers Wiki


Kelsey Winslow is the Yellow Lightspeed Ranger of the Lightspeed Rangers. Kelsey is extremely active physically, being a professional mountain climber and overall extreme sports enthusiast. She takes the job as the Lightspeed Rescue Yellow Ranger, seeing it as the most exciting thing of which she's ever heard. Kelsey recently reconciled with her grandmother, whose preoccupation with wealth and indifference towards Kelsey drove the two apart.

Yellow Lightspeed Ranger[]


Yellow Lightspeed Ranger


  • Med Rescue 5
  • Rail Rescue 5
  • OmegaZord 5
  • Lifeforce Megazord


  • Rescue Morpher
  • Rescue Blaster
  • Thermo Blaster
  • Rescue Injector
  • V-Lancer
  • Battle Booster
  • Lightspeed Cycle

Ranger Key[]


The Yellow Lightspeed Ranger Key is Kelsey's personal ranger key. This key along with the majority of the Core Ranger Keys are seen lining the Command Center's interior walls. This key is mainly used by Gia Moran (Super Megaforce Yellow) who uses it to fight as the Yellow Lightspeed Ranger.

Skirted Version[]
