Power Rangers: Time Force (often abbreviated as PRTF) or Time Force is the ninth season of the Power Rangers franchise, based on the Super Sentai series Mirai Sentai Timeranger (Future Squadron Timeranger). It ran with a total of 40 half-hour episodes from February to November of 2001 and was the last full season to completely air on Fox Kids following the sale of Fox Family Worldwide, which included Fox Family.
Wes soon discovers that Ransik's deep-rooted hatred for humans is a manifestation of his origin as a horribly disfigured mutant shunned by the rest of the genetically perfect population. Ransik displays extremely impressive combat skills throughout the season, but his biggest weakness is his constant need to take a vial of special serum in order to prevent turning into a mutant permanently.
Time Force Red | Alex ► Wesley Collins | Jason Faunt |
Time Force Pink | Jen Scotts | Erin Cahill |
Time Force Blue | Lucas Kendall | Michael Copon |
Time Force Yellow | Katie Walker | Deborah Estelle Phillips |
Time Force Green | Trip | Kevin Kleinberg |
Quantum Ranger | Eric Myers | Daniel Southworth |
Allies []
- Time Force
- Circuit
- Captain Logan
- Bio-Lab
- Mr. Collins
- Silver Guardians
- Dr. Michael Zaskin
- White Knight
- Notacon
- Dash
- Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue
- Power Rangers Wild Force
- This is the first season to have the word "Force" on the season's title. Followed by Power Rangers Wild Force, Power Rangers Mystic Force, Power Rangers Megaforce and Power Rangers Royal Force.
- This is the only season to have a Pink Ranger as the leader.
- This is the last season to have a Pink Ranger until Power Rangers S.P.D.