The Wrist Communicator is a watch-like device used by the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers to communicate with one another, the Command Center and for teleportation usage as well. They were created by Billy Cranston once the Power Rangers came to be. The communicators made a sound that resembled the Power Rangers Theme Song when receiving an incoming transmission from each other, or from the Command Center. Also, Billy installed a link to the Command Center's teleportation system; where the Rangers had to be teleported by Alpha before, they could now use the communicators teleportation to access that ability, and go wherever they were needed. The last team to be shown using the communicators teleportation were the Space Rangers, though they generally used their morphers to communicate with each other and only used the communicators on Earth while in civilian clothes. By this point, it is unknown who created that set of communicators (since Billy was on Aquitar), and the alert tone had changed to the Astro Morpher's tone.